Elkay LZS8WSLP Filtered Enhanced EZH2O Bottle Filling Station with Single ADA Cooler, Light Gray Review

Elkay LZS8WSLP Filtered EZH2O Bottle Filling Station

Elkay LZS8WSLP Filtered Enhanced EZH2O Bottle Filling Station

Elkay LZS8WSLP is a brand new release imported cooler and EZH2O bottle filling station system. It has an ADA compliant design, includes a single ADA cooler and is one of the better selling bottle filling stations on Amazon.com. You may choose to get it in light gray or stainless, which costs significantly more.

It has a LED light that covers the filling space so you know when your bottle is full. And the filteration with an easy to see LED indicator light tells you when it is time to change the filter. It comes with a filter that last for 3,000 gallons, which is equal to approximately 24,000 bottle fill-ups, and you can get the replacement filters later. When you change the water filter, the filling station will reset itself without you doing anything manually (auto filter reset status).

With this new Elkay you have a cooler and a bottle filler system that offers you very swift bottle filling. And it provides improved sustainability as the need for depending on disposable plastic bottles is minimised. As a complete system of cooler and bottle filler it has a convenient space saving design. The integrated look has the the filter status and green ticker lights together.

Elkay EZH2O weighs 82 pounds and measures 18.45 x 19 x 39.5 inches. This is a wall mounted type bottle filling station and is easy enough to assemble by a handy person- not anybody but it is not as hard as needing the assistance of a professional either. The standard wall mounting brackets are included but you will need the screws and bolts.

Elkay LVRC8WSK EZH2O Wall Mount

It is suitable for indoor use at home and in the office, and you may need to check out other models if you need to use it outdoors. The basin, the base cabinet and the water spigot base are made of stainless steel and the remaining parts are plastic, rubber or fiberglass in the light gray Elkay.

You can adjust the temperature for the water cooler so the water you fill your bottles with is cooled to your liking. But it has a decent compressor that offers you chilled water if you wish. It is designed to fill 24 or 32 ounce size sport water bottles. Or you can simply use it like a normal water fountain to get some water. You will get roughly a quarter inch water flow top-down just like from a faucet.

If you’d like the all stainless steel model, just choose the more expensive Elkay LVRC8WSK model which has all the rust-proof areas in stainless steel. On this model, the frame, bottom shroud and the bottle filler frame are stainless steel. It also has a versatile guard for the spout, which is cool for the kids’ security. The voltage is specified as 115 Volts and is suitable for use in North America- United States and Canada. Whichever model you choose will be very much worth the price they cost.

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